Saturday, November 11, 2006

First Post

Friends have been trying to talk me into starting a food related blog for years. I'm an amateur cook and wannabe baker. Here's a couple pictures of a cake I made for Halloween. I entered it into a work dessert contest and won first place! :-) Inspiration: found the gummy rats at the store and rat trap idea is courtesy of my friend Carrie, candy corn addition due to hubby.


Anonymous said...

Wonderful idea for the cake!!! Love it!!!

Anonymous said...

The cake turned out great, although I was surprised you won first... the judges must love gross things, hehehe... Good job!

Gossie said...

EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW .. that mouse thing really grossed me out. :-) But then, that's what it's supposed to do!!! LoL Awesome and very creative. :-)

Anonymous said...

mouse cake!! sweet!!!!! where on earth did you get the mice, i **love** the idea, and especially the mouse chewing through the side! way to go, looks great.

Anonymous said...

I found gummy rats at the dollar store, out of all places. I just went to the store to try to find any cool halloween candy and this was the yuckiest! :-)